Saturday, December 17, 2011

Will Barry Bonds Just Go Away Already?

So on Friday I’m at home attempting to get some writing done, and ESPN is on in the background.  Now all of us at The Sports Riot! have always maintained that we think ESPN has become somewhat of a joke, but if it does serve a purpose, it’s to piss me off enough to make me go on some kind of rant.  Well ESPN’s Friday coverage consisted of the following:
-          Tim Tebow getting ready to face the Patriots.
-          Barry Bonds obstruction of justice trial.
-          Tim Tebow becoming the second coming of Jesus.
-          Testimony pertaining to that scumbag at Penn State who diddled little boys and the shitbags who covered it up.
-          Tim Tebow overtaking all athletes as the best all-around player who’s ever lived.

Now while Chris likes to hammer on Skip Bayless and his boy-like infatuation with Timmy, and the whole disaster at Penn State makes me sick to my stomach, I want to turn some attention to Barry.

I hate Barry Bonds.  I hated him when he was a skinny little asshole in Pittsburgh, and I learned to really loathe him when he joined the Giants, his head grew four sizes, and he developed backne.  He clearly used steroids, lied to a grand jury, and all the while still being a smug piece of shit.  Honestly I could care less if he used steroids.  He’s the one who has to live with himself so kudos to Barry.  Some people ooze scumbag (Bonds tops that list) and if given the opportunity I’d punch him in the taint.

Well the circus that has surrounded Bonds over the past four or so years has finally come to a close (well sort of).  Bonds was sentenced to 30 days house arrest, two years probation, 250 hours community service, and a $4,000 fine for lying to a grand jury during the BALCO hearings.

Are you kidding me?

The government spent millions of taxpayer dollars to make an example out of Bonds and all that’s comes out of it is letting Barry lounge around his 15,000 square-foot mansion for 30 days?  This has to be a joke.  Hell, Barry’s boyfriend Greg Anderson had a harsher sentence and he just sat in jail because he chose to keep his mouth shut.  So much for the prosecution doing a good enough job to make Bonds an example.  Not just for his illegal performing enhancing drug use, but the fact he committed perjury when he lied to a grand jury (obstruction of justice my ass.  When you lie under oath you’re committing perjury).

I mean seriously, whoever the prosecutors were that worked on this case should be on the unemployment line by now for doing a piss-poor job, and wasting taxpayer money (and you wonder why California’s economy is in the toilet). 

Next on the firing line should be Judge Susan lllston.  Some tree-hugging, Northern California hippie, looked disinterested throughout the trial, and based on her sentence, really didn’t give two shits about the case (but she did sentence a lawyer to two years prison time for leaking grand jury testimony.  I guess lying to the grand jury is less severe than discussing it).  If that was the case, why didn’t she throw it out to begin with instead of wasting time and money???

I think this entire case and the due process surrounding it was nothing but a steaming pile of horse shit, and anyone who thinks any good came out of this is an idiot. 

Barry, I know you’re reading out there, do me a favor and go away.  Go into hiding, become a hermit, or move to Europe and hate the United States.  You’ll be doing the entire country a favor.

Before I do wrap this up, there has to be one person who has to be happy about this and his name is Roger Clemens.  An equally pompous douchebag, Clemens has his own legal woes for his inability to tell the truth.  If Bonds is getting off with a slap on the wrist (which will probably be less than what he has since Illston allowed an appeal), Clemens might get a car and a reality show out of this (not just because he’s white either).  The legal system loves media attention and a high profile athlete is just the way to whore yourself out by wasting tax dollars.

I’m over steroids in baseball and the circus that’s surrounding it.  Let the government waste money somewhere else and quit giving assholes like Barry Bonds any attention.

 What are your thoughts? Share with us at or follow us on Twitter @TheSportsRiot.

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