Monday, December 19, 2011

Quick Takes w/ Chris

So another busy sports weekend is in the books and with Christmas approaching I thought this would be a perfect time to take stock of what has happened over the past week or so in rapid fire form. So without further delay…..buckle in kiddies it’s Riot! time.

“Jesus” Tebow
Ok so there was a slight set back in the return of the almighty but hey, all is not lost Christmas is next week. It’s God’s time right? Ok, all kidding aside, Tebow didn’t play that badly and the Pats are obviously the best team the Denver Tebows have faced yet. A slight reality check was in order in Denver and Tom Brady definitely did his part in supplying that. I hate the buzz around Tebow as much as the next REAL sports fan, but he was not the reason the Broncos got pummeled by the Pats so I am not going to trash him today. What I am going to trash is the media, even though I’m one of them. That’s right, the ESPN coverage of this side-show has spilled over into the regular media now. I was stunned to hear that on “Meet the Press” yesterday morning when they were discussing the stories of the year that Tim Tebow ranked as #3 behind the killing of Bin Laden and the end of the Iraq war. What is the world coming to when a) a football story can crack the top 5 of American stories when our country is in the situation it has been and b) that story is about a less than talented QB from a team that will be one and done come playoff time. It’s a nice story but enough already. The more interesting story is whether or not the God fearing Tim Tebow will enter into a gay relationship with Skip Bayless who obviously has an infatuation with Tebow. Now that would be a story of the year.
Side note - Don’t give me that crap that “he’s a fan of his game” or “it’s his sports crush.” I’ve had many a sports crush (currently impressed with Darrelle Revis) but I don’t talk about them every seven to ten seconds and use them as the ruler I measure all others by. It’s a man crush alright, it’s just the wrong thing he seems he seems interested in.

The AFC West

I’m not going to dwell on this Tebow thing, but I will say that all the Broncos and the Raiders accomplished on Sunday is keeping Norv-ell Turner employed. After the Raiders dropped a thriller to the Lions in the final seconds and the Chargers took out the Ravens, the Bolts stand only one game behind the Broncos in the AFC west with two to play. This has to be the worst division since…well the 2010 version of the NFC west that sent a 7-9 Seahawk squad to the playoffs. And California wonders why there is an East Coast Bias? Norv Turner’s continued employment answers that question.

Chiefs teach the Indians
The Chiefs laid out the game plan for defeating the Packers and it’s exactly what I said weeks ago; defense and ball control.(  You can’t beat the Pack in a shootout, but if you play keep away and pound Aaron Rodgers into the ground, you will see the light. San Fran can you hear me? Drew Brees and the Saints are you paying attention?

Don’t Try to Beat Drew Brees in a Fantasy Playoff Game
Ask Jay, he’ll tell you it’s a bad thing to try and do. All I know is Brees put up over 400 yards and 5 TD’s on Sunday. I don’t know much about Fantasy Football myself, but I would imagine no other QB had better numbers on the day, and Jay was pissed.

You Should Never Kick To Patrick Peterson in OT
You just shouldn’t. Know it, live it, love it. He basically won a game for the Cardinals yesterday for the second time in extra time. This time it was a big return to set up a game ending FG.

Dan Orlovsky is finally off the Schnide
I’m not sure if Dan Orlovsky has ever won an NFL game as a starter before Sunday, but now I can definitely say that he has. He helped keep the Colts from history by defeating the Titans and stopping what looked like an inevitable 0-16 season.

Big Blue comes up Small
I wish I could figure out the Giants. They have a tremendous comeback against the Cowboys last Sunday only to piss it away to a sub-par Redskins squad that had their heads handed to them the past two weeks by the AFC East. Then here come the G-men in control of their own destiny, and they hand it right back to the Cowboys. Worse off they opened the door for the Eagles who could potentially sneak in now and make some noise (that was more the Jets fault than anyone elses).

Ok NBA, I forgive you. Let’s play some hoop and let bygones be bygones. ( have to say that this shortened off season has really intensified things hasn’t it? I’ve actually heard Stephen A. Smith (who I trust with all things NBA) say that he believes Kobe will not be in LA come the end of this season. Is this true? Can this be possible? I know the Lakers put all of their eggs in Chris Paul’s and Dwight Howard’s basket and when the league put the kibosh on the Chris Paul deal, the Lakers panicked. Especially when Lamar Odom, who was rumored to have been included in the trade to the Hornets, started spouting off about how pissed he was about being traded. So what did the Lakers do, sent him to the Mavs for…..NOTHING! WOW! If I were Kobe I’d be pissed to.  So no Chris Paul, and you traded possibly the 3rd best player on the team for nothing. Ok, but the Lakers are going to get Dwight Howard right? NO! As of today, Howard is off the market. Uh OH! Is it possible that the Clippers are now the big brother in LA? We shall see.

It’s been a crazy week and now with the playoffs approaching in the NFL, the NBA about to kick off on Christmas day and bowl season kicking off with the “Famous Potatoes Idaho Bowl” (how do you say that seriously) it’s only going to get crazier.  So stay tuned and email us or follow us on Twitter and see what we’re buzzing about moment to moment, @TheSportsRiot.

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