Holy Sh*t the world may just end. I think ESPN has finally jumped the shark on this one. They are taking a man's sport (football), a pretty tough athlete (Tebow) and a prominent personality on the network (Skippy Bayless) and setting them up for a meeting of love, not competition. WHAT?! They actually have a countdown clock in the corner of the screen during ESPN 2's "First Take" whose new title should be the "Love Connection;" are you kidding me with this crap? When Skip meets Tebow? Now I have to say, if I wasn't paying attention, and I was just your average sports fan, parachuting in from time to time, I would think that this was some kind of contentious meeting; BUT IT'S NOT! Skip is in love with this guy, and my God ESPN is facilitating this gross meeting. What is going to happen here? Is Skippy going to just stare quietly and clam up? What if Eric Mangini asks him a question that Tebow has a hard time answering; will Skippy come to the rescue? What if Hugh Douglas criticizes Timmy; will we see Skip defend his boy toy? This might be the most disturbing TV since I saw Michael Jackson describe having his genitals photographed because he was being investigated for touching kids. I'm actually disgusted and intrigued at the same time. I want to turn this crap off because I know by watching all I'm doing is giving credibility to Skip Bayless and his QB fetish, but like a good train wreck, I can't turn away. So I'm going to sit here and watch, and laugh and get douche chills while I watch Skippy kiss the ring, and potentially do something grosser. I have to say, there has never been two less deserving "icons" in this culture to get this much attention. Skip Bayless getting credit for driving the sports conversation in this country is worse than Rebecca Black getting credit for setting the bar in pop music this year with that failed abortion of a song "Friday." It’s less about substance and more about shock value with Skip, and as for Tebow, his ride will come to an end soon enough. Anyone who has watched these games knows it’s less about hi and more about that defense and the teams he plays not getting the job done (as a Jets fan I saw this first hand). So I think since these two are finally going to meet and see if they can make a love connection once and for all, I will leave Skippy be. Not because I feel bad for him, or I want him to find love, but because I'm not going to waste any more space on this obvious ratings whore, who will just say things and do things for shock value. I have to say that there have been a few before him that have done the "shock value" thing for ratings and it worked for them (Howard Stern, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, Opie and Anthony) but Skip falls very short of those legends. So Skip, I hope you enjoy Tebow (yuck), and your moment because I feel it's coming to an end, and if it's not, I will be paying attention no longer. Skippy and Tebow sitting in a tree.........Ha Ha, one more shot before I go. 25 minutes to go…….hang in there kiddies.
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