Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Random Thoughts with Jay (All Star Edition)

How Many All-Stars is Enough?
The combined number of All-Star’s this season is 84.  This is the most All-Stars in the history of the game.  Isn’t this a bit much?  I understand sometimes that due to injuries as well as the rule if a pitcher started on prior Sunday they cannot play in the game.  When the pitchers were selected to the team, it still wasn’t known if they would pitch, so that was bound to happen.

The unnecessary shit is when players like CC Sabathia are chosen to replace a player, but then CC needed to be replaced because he started on Sunday.  Normally that would be fine and good but Sabathia was chosen AFTER he started on Sunday; so manager Ron Washington knew Sabathia couldn’t play.  He was essentially selected just so he could make the team.  If Washington wanted Sabathia on the team he should have picked the Major League leader in wins when he initially set the rosters.

I also think if you are healthy and are choosing not to participate, you shouldn’t be eligible to make the team the next season.  Taking time off because you feel like it and add 20 more players is bullshit.  A player should be honored to be an All-Star, and if healthy should be expected to be there.

Still Home Field Advantage?
I know it’s been going on for some time now, but I still can’t justify the winner of the All-Star Game having home field advantage in the World Series. 

All-Star Games in general are simple exhibitions.  It’s fun for the players and its fun for the fans.  How many players do you see in the dugout taking the game seriously?  They are normally laughing and cutting up.  This is a few days off for them where they can have fun with other players.  It’s like a glorified company picnic.  There’s no need to put the pressure on the players for home field advantage

Besides, unless you’re playing for a contending team, why would you even give a shit?  You can’t tell me that Hunter Pence cares if the National League wins or loses.  Unless every other team in the National League decide to go on strike there’s no shot Pence will smell the playoffs.  Where’s his incentive?

To get it right they need to either go back to the way it used to be alternating leagues each season or home field advantage to go to the team with the better record.

Where’s Jeter?
I understand that Derek Jeter is getting older and opted not to play in the All-Star Game to rest his body.  I get that.  What I don’t get is the fact that he’s not even in Phoenix for the game.  He’s a Major League Icon who just got his 3,000th hit.  You know he would have been honored in some way.

For a guy who’s spent his entire career known as a class guy I think this is a shit move and he’s essentially giving the middle finger to the fans.

Where Did the Honorary Captains Go?
I remember when I was a kid each All-Star Team had an “Honorary Captain.”  It was normally one retired player from each league (normally one of the captains played for the hosting city’s team).

I always thought it was cool to see a player from back in the day get honored once again for their baseball career.  That might not be a bad idea to return.

MLB Network Coverage
I’m a huge fan of the MLB Network.  In fact it’s probably the television station I watch more than any other.  As I’m sitting here writing I’ve been listening to the pre-Home Run Derby coverage.  Normally the MLB’s coverage is solid and real informative.  I have to say I can’t say that today.

Sean Casey, Kevin Millar, and Bert Blyeven are serving no purpose.  Casey’s talking like he practicing shtick for a future career in the WWE.  I’ve always found Millar to be a bit of a tool.  He sports a bad dye-job and thinks he’s funny.  Anytime someone thinks they’re funny they just come off as annoying.  He must really think he’s funny today because he’s taking annoying to a new level.  As for Blyeven, I think he might be drunk, not funny “I want to kiss you” Joe Namath drunk, but more like “Dad’s drunk at my birthday party again” drunk.

At the time of this writing the Home Run Derby has not started.  It’s 7:51 EST, so my predictions are going in before anything starts.

Home Run Derby Winner:  Robinson Cano, New York Yankees Correct
All-Star Game Outcome:  National League 5 American League 3 Credit for picking the winner
All-Star MVP:  Matt Kemp, Los Angeles Dodgers wrong
Beers I Consume During HRD:  7
Beers I Consume During ASG:  9
Number of Times Chris Berman Goes “Back, Back, Back”:  Even once is too much agreed

Josh Hamilton is Disturbing Looking
Just saying…

Doc Halladay
A friend of mine texted me (who happens to be a Braves fan), and was complaining that Jair Jurrjens was hosed and should have been named the starting pitcher for the National League.

When I first heard it I questioned it as well considering the Jurrjens leads the National League in wins and ERA.  I even sent Chris a text getting his opinion and he pointed out that Halladay is the true ace and deserved the start.  After reconsidering, I agree.  If there’s a pitcher you want to start a big game (especially since something is on the line), Doc is your man.

Country Music?
After watching the opening of the Home Run Derby it got me to think about the current state of country music.  Now from time to time I’ve been known to get my country music on.  Not that pop-twangy shit.  I mean outlaw stuff like Hank Williams III.  Anyway, I have no idea who the hillbilly was who I just saw on the stage, but aside from the singer, who donned the stereotypical cowboy hat, the rest of the band looked like a 90’s alt-rock band.  I mean the drummer had a goddamn faux-hawk.

Johnny Cash is currently rolling over in his grave.  I guess Hank III was right when he said pop-country really sucks. 

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