Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lunchtime with The Sports Riot!

You know the old saying “it’s happy hour somewhere” well that’s how we feel about lunchtime.  It’s lunchtime somewhere, so you should spend it with the Riot! Every Monday-Friday at lunchtime, we will present 10 quick topics for your pleasure.  Ten things that happened from the night before to the current morning.  It could be breaking sports news, or breaking hang over news (that’s Jay’s department), or just something that’s bugging us this is where we will sound off everyday. So grab your pail or your brown bag and lets begin. Ten short thoughts begin NOW! (White - Chris  Blue - Jay)
10) Albert Pujols was injured on Sunday and will be out 6-8 weeks.  Yikes, that’s not a good thing in a contract year.  Although I don’t think it will matter in the long run (Pujols will get his money) but for a dude that is brewing and stewing the way he is over the Cardinals not signing before the season; it’s got to be rough to have to sit there and do nothing for 2 months.  Especially if the Cards go on to succeed without him?  That’s a crappy feeling.
9) Albert Pujols is out 4-6 weeks with a broken forearm and it's his own damn fault.  He was out of position and he would have been better off eating the ball and allow Wilson Betemit to take first base (Captain Hindsight strikes again).  Kudos to the Cardinals fans for not whining like the ladies in San Fran bitching about first base collisions.
8) What the Hell is happening in Florida? You know when people say “Florida is where you go to die,” well now they have a representative in pro sports.  Jack McKeon was hired as the Marlins interim manager after Edwin Rodriguez resigned on Sunday night after losing his 11th straight game.  Now McKeon is a good manager from the past (won the World Series with the Marlins in 2003) but he is 80 now. 80! So when you tune into Marlins games, all 78 of you (Jack’s age is more than the amount of people who watch that team) you will see a legitimate true to life Florida mascot and give senior citizens hope around the country. Who knows, if the Marlins start their games at like 3 in the afternoon everyday, and offer an early bird special, they may pack that dump in South Beach.
7) The NHL Board of Governors are meeting today to vote on the move of The Atlanta Thrashers to the Winnipeg TBD's.  Given the sale already and season tickets already sold out it's a formality.  What's no right on is Winnipeg still has no team name and probably still won't have one in time for the draft.  This is a sore spot with the people of Winnipeg as they want a team name and are sick of speculation.  My wonder is, on Draft Day, what jersey will the #7 overall pick put on when they get drafted?

6) I have had this experience a few times over the past few months. I’m driving home late at night listening to the radio. If you haven’t picked up on this yet, I love talk radio of any kind; political, sports, news, whatever.  So when I listen to the “radio,” that’s what it means; FM radio stinks on ice, if I want music it’s ipod or CD.  So anyway, have you ever heard a show that’s on in the overnight called “AM Coast to Coast?”  I know it’s been on for years and years, but until I moved to the West Coast and had it start at like 10PM instead of 1AM, I never really listened to it.  It is F@#ked up man.  They talk about ghosts, and UFO’s and politics; real spooky stuff. Anyway, the really messed thing is when you’re driving on a dark California highway in the mountains and you’re listening to a guy talking about UFO’s in a convincing manor; like you would talk about your car, it’s startling. I caught myself a few times looking into the sky, FOR UFO’S! <it’s creepy shit>
5) Obama is going to announce today the withdrawal of 30,000 troops in Afghanistan by the end of 2012.  Hasn't this been a promise since he campaigned for President?  Also, a bit convenient that he announces this will happen during an election year.
4) At Wimbledon, Jon Isner and Nicolas Mahut will get a chance to rematch there epic 11 hour and 5 minute match today. Dude, eleven hours of the same thing is never good.  I can’t think of one thing I would like to do for eleven hours, especially Tennis. I mean who would watch that crap for that long. I get the idea that you can’t turn the match off or leave the arena because you could be watching history. I also get that after about four or five hours, you’re invested and those hours before this one would be a waste if you leave now; so you stay for the whole bag.  The only time I’ve ever sat and watched something for eleven hours, I had 103 fever, and it wasn’t Tennis, it was “I love the 80’s” on VH1.  <yuck, I was sick>
3) Due to Bud "The Crypt Keeper" Selig's ruling about the Dodgers not being allowed to change their TV deal with Fox Sports, it's going to delay the sale of the franchise and Frank McCourt has said he will not be able to make his June payroll.  Given the historic nature of the Dodgers, this is a complete embarrassment.  I wonder how these players are feeling given they don't know if they're getting paid this month.  Maybe Selig will approve the sale of players to other teams like when the Oilers shipped Gretzky to the Kings or when the Red Sox sold Babe Ruth to the Yankees.  It could make it for an interesting playoff run. 

2) The New Kids on the Block are coming to San Jose next month and all the thirty-something women are reliving their childhood crushes.  That’s all well in good, but this shit speaks to a larger problem, a lack of anything new. Has anyone noticed yet that 50% of movies, tv shows, and music are either remakes, rehashes, or returns?  In movies we’ve had two “Halloween” remakes, a “Nightmare on Elm Street” remake, and most recently we had an “Arthur” remake.  Really? Did we need an “Arthur” reboot?  I love Russell Brand, but that seems a bit indulgent. Next in the fall on TV will be another “Charlie’s Angels” attempt.  WTF?  It hasn’t worked on TV since the 70’s and that is because HOT women jumping around and fighting with skimpy clothes wearing no bra was really exciting shit in the 70’s; now it’s commonplace.  As matter of fact, the 70’s exciting is today’s televised church service. As far as music goes, a lot of these former stars (NKOTB, Bret Michaels of Poison, Vanilla Ice, etc.) have made a living off of their past through the wonder that is “Celebreality” TV.  So on one hand I’m glad to see some of these musicians have success and be able to perform still, but there is a line to be drawn somewhere, I just don’t know where that is because I can’t stop dancing. 

1) As tragic as it is, in bar photos taken (TMZ had them overnight), but I don't think an autopsy is needed to realize Ryan Dunn of "Jackass" was three sheets in the wind before wrapping his Porsche around a tree at a high rate of speed.  Although the most recent, he's not the first celebrity to be involved in a Porsche meets booze meets incident.  Former Flyers goalie met his death when a wall jumped out in front of his Porsche (he had a BAL of .24), and Def Leppard drummer lost his arm and became the worlds best one armed drummer when he ate shit in his corvette.  I bet he's counting his lucky stars he wasn't in a Porsche. Ryan Dunn R.I.P.

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