Friday, August 19, 2011

Jay the Road Warrior - Stop 1 - Philly

Ok, so technically I’m not on the road yet since I live in Philly, but it’s the first day I joined the tour and it’s the fifth show of The Fake Boys tour.  They started in Montreal, then to Ottawa, followed by Buffalo and Rochester and all the shows killed; so Philly had to follow that up right?  Let’s see.

My day started with a hangover.  Wait, actually it didn’t, as I was sure to have a Detox Sunday.  It really started with me watching a few episodes of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” (mainly because I wanted to mail back the DVD to Netflix, yet it is in my bag in the van).  Then I headed to Ray’s Happy Birthday Bar.  There were two reasons here.  First I borrowed a couple of Seinfeld DVD’s from Lou, the owner, and I wanted to return them to him prior to a five week hiatus from my favorite watering hole.  Second, I wanted to grab some fruit from the Italian Market for the road.

I hit up Ray’s and saw my buddy Mike Myers.  He knows fruit (in a gay way?  Not sure…  I kid…).  So I gave him some lettuce and asked him to do me a solid. 

While Mike was gone it gave me the opportunity to have a few libations at Rays and talk to some friends.  Nothing else was too eventful there.  Actually until I met The Fake Boys there wasn’t much eventful things happening.  Packing, hitting up the State Store (for you who don’t know in PA you can't buy liquor in a liquor store, its run by the state.  Beer is a bitch as well as it’s only sold at distributors, certain deli’s and bars (at a sodomy-style price), to grab a bottle of Dude.

I met the band at the venue (JR’s) and it was good to see the boys.  The weather was shitty, so expectations for the show were low.  I did manage to bring out my buddy Will (too soon?), as well the Steff, the better half, along with her sister and brother-in-law.  They were kind enough to bless me with a going away gift.  This consisted of a bottle of Dude and two packs of Pall Malls (the lady knows me).  We knocked back a couple beers then went inside (Jim and I getting caught in a downpour probably had a lot to do with it).

The opening band was the Murderburgers.  They’re from Glasgow (that’s in Scotland if you assholes were unaware).  They tore shit up.  Good punk rock (I did grab myself a CD and tee shirt.  Not often you get a shirt that says “Glasgow Punk Rock”). 
The Fake Boys went up next and as always fucked shit up.  The only disappointing thing was the crowd sucked.  Outside of the Steff clan, Jen, Will, and the illustrious Steve (who arrived a bit later), there wasn’t much happening.  I chock it up to bad weather, piss poor promotion by the Departures (I’ll get to them), and sometimes Philadelphians are assholes (I know this, I am one).

The last band was the Departures.  Wow those guys sucked (no wonder they didn’t draw).  I should have known ahead of time considering they were from New Jersey, but they covered the entire gamut of shitty New Jersey music.  They started off sounding like Thursday, then they kind of had a Coheed and Cambria vibe (I know they aren’t from Jersey), then finished off with Lifetime (what New Jersey band doesn’t want to be a half- ass Lifetime rip-off).  They also covered an Against Me! song and I yelled “I love Against Me!” fairly loud (which was loud since the place was dead), which prompted the Mike Park rip-off to yell “yeah that was our song from our record Re-inventing Axl Rose, I mean Re-inventing Tom Gabel”.  F*cking tools.

We left the club and knocked back a few in the parking lot and busted out Dude.  God I love it but hate it the next day.  After a few pops, Steff and the clan headed back to Delaware and then Steve departed to Fishtown.  We had another round then it was decided that The Fake Boys were staying with Jen and the Murderburgers were at my place..  So we grabbed a cheesesteak at Philip’s (the BEST in Philly), and parted ways. 

I headed home, set the Murderburgers up in my living room and retired my drunken ass to bed.  

Overall it was a great night for me to jump on the road.  I wish the crowd was better but it was an icebreaker show so no true complaints…

Up next…  RICHMOND!

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