Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Love Letter

Yesterday Jay presented another thrilling edition of “Sport or No Sport,” and it’s creating a little bit of a stir. First off, I’m going to look into Hurling ASAP because that shit looks bad ass and crazy.  Secondly, skiing enthusiasts are pissed.  But the most interesting development thus far has been the interest in Roller Derby this piece has stirred up.  Not only in myself, but in Rioters! across the globe. I’ve received emails from the East Coast to the West Coast, and even Canada (our fan base) has weighed in on Roller Derby and it’s all been positive.  Apparently more people saw “Whip It!” than the box office showed.  Maybe stoners decided to watch it thinking it was something else and then stumbled onto an amazing sport. Personally I remember Roller Derby from way back.  It was one of those sports they used to show on MSG network in the early 80’s in NYC.  The giant oval, the clothes lines and the hip checks are emblazoned in my memory forever.  I remember asking my dad if it was girl hockey on roller skates.  Of course he laughed and ignored me (that’s what dads did while they were watching a game) and we continued watching.  How does a sport that offers just about everything not catch on in a big way? Speed, strength, characters, violence; all the things you could possibly want in a sport right? I mean, they had a short lived network show called “Rollergames” in the late 80’s that was a WWF style Roller Derby show.  They would talk shit like wrestlers. It was men and women.  They had teams and standings and weekly shows.  I remember loving that shit.  It was a great show, and very entertaining.  I watched a few clips on youtube this week and of course it’s got a load of 80’s cheese on it, but all in all I would watch an updated version of that show without the WWF style shit talking.  I like the style the Gotham Girls and the Philly Roller Girls present; a beautiful  ruggedness. The type of girl that will completely wreck you and then pick you up, and pat you on the back and say “good job,” only to knock you down again.  It’s the type of girl power I can get into. So Jay and I have decided to adopt these fine Roller Girls and all the Roller Derby teams out there as one of our official sports.  Roller Girls, we present this to you as a love letter of sorts.  We love you and I think all men and women should know about you and your awesome sport.  You have a home here at The Riot! and we won’t stop until we put a black eye on the Olympics.  The rings can go from all of those colors to just straight black and blue.

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