Ok, there are legendary mascots like the Phillie Phanatic or the San Diego Chicken, and although tolerable their novelty wears thin. Then there are the ridiculous mascots like the big orange guy in Syracuse or The Blue Blob at Xavier. Those mascots, although absurd are at least funny because they make no sense. I hate mascots, especially college mascots, so instead of bitching about it to my friends at the bar, I’ll torture you with what tortures me.

5 – “Uga” – University of Georgia. Oh look, a cute little bulldog. Fitting right considering they are known as the Georgia Bulldogs? Here’s my issue. It’s an actual dog! Maybe things are different in Georgia then the rest of the country, but an animal isn’t a mascot; it’s a pet (or lunch if you’re Korean). Where’s PETA when you need them? Have you seen that little bastard on the sidelines? He’s constantly panting. Maybe some third string linebacker should make sure the puppy has a bowl of water instead of sexually harassing a cheerleader.
While I do agree it’s better than some frat boy asshole in a stuffed bulldog costume, a live dog is better suited sleeping on some redneck’s couch than strolling the sidelines panting.

3 – “Chief Osceola” – Florida State. If you’ve seen a Florida State football game you’ve seen Chief. He’s the guy dressed like an injun who comes riding horseback on the field with a spear. How many levels of f*cked up is this? Take a bunch of Indian stereotypes and make it your mascot. They might as well have him ride out drunk and change his name to Chief Firewater; at least that way they are covering all of the Indian stereotypes.
I know Florida; especially the panhandle it’s real loose when it comes to racism. I also understand most people don’t think it’s racist using Indian names and stereotypes in sports, but it is (as funny as it might be sometimes). What would the public opinion be if some community college in Mississippi named their team The Spooks? The Spooks mascot is Sambo. It’s a white guy in black face with a nappy wig and big fake lips leading the crowd to the chant “massa set me free.” There might be a problem right? Like it or not, there’s no difference between Sambo and Chief Osceola.
Yeah, I just went there.

2 –”Sebastian the Ibis” – University of Miami. I have a theory here when it comes to Sebastian. I don’t think he’s really an ibis. Hear me out, apparently Howard the Duck fell on hard times. His life as a crime fighter eventually led him to the dark world of pornography. This porn addiction led him to star in a few feature films (most notably “The Spy Who Ducked Me”), but once producers realized he was an actual duck, he was unable to find work. This caused Howard to go into a downward spiral where alcohol, hookers, and cocaine became his world. Once Howard ran out of money he was forced into panhandling and turning tricks in the Chelsea section of New York.
In 2000 Howard was busted for male prostitution, bestiality, and possession of crystal meth. After a brief stint at Rikers Island, followed by rehab, Howard found Jesus and lived a sober life. This is when Howard turned to the life of a mascot. The University of Oregon needed a new duck mascot and Howard fit the bill (no pun intended).Howard flourished at U of O and even got engaged to a sexy mallard. That’s when the university felt that Howard wasn’t tough enough for the school. He was edged out and replaced by RoboDuck (one third duck, one third robot, and one third Peter Weller). Howard called off his engagement and fell off the wagon. It was on December 13, 2010 when Howard, in an alcohol and meth-filled rage, stormed the field and attacked RoboDuck. He was arrested on the spot and thrown back in jail. After serving 90 days Howard was released on one condition, he does work release for the University of Miami as their mascot. Although an ibis is a rival of the duck, Howard accepted this deal to avoid more jail time.
Unfortunately for Howard the entire duck community shuns him for portraying a lesser fowl.

1 – “The Stanford Tree” – Stanford University. Ok, this mascot is just plain stupid. I understand when your logo is a tree and your team name is the Cardinal your hands might be tied, but to make the mascot a tree is pretty lame. To make matters worse, it doesn’t even look like a tree. The costume looks like it was made by a bunch of pre-school kids with construction paper and glitter. At least the asshole in the costume could at least wear brown pants to appear to be a trunk when he prances around on the field. He’s wearing band pants! If I had a child, I wouldn’t allow them to go to Stanford (or Penn State for that matter), based solely on their stupid mascot.
They would have been better off spray painting Grimace green and gluing leafs to him.
Honorable mentions:
Little Boy – University of Nebraska (he looks like the sexual by-product of Bob the Big Boy and The Staypuft Marshmallow Man).
Mayor McCheese – University of McDonalds (I find it hard to believe anyone can be a mayor when their head is a sandwich)Little Boy – University of Nebraska (he looks like the sexual by-product of Bob the Big Boy and The Staypuft Marshmallow Man).
Which mascot do you hate? Which do you love? Hit me up at thesportsriot@yahoo.com and we can discuss it. Be sure to follow us on twitter @TheSportsRiot. You’ll be glad you did. Ok, I’m done with selfless whoring on myself. Until next time…
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