Sandusky says they were "horsing around?" Unless a horse's idea of playing is to be anally raped, sorry I don't think so. And as for McQuery, it's interesting that he waited until the fecal matter hit the spinning blades, the place was cleared out and the pitchforks were turned on him for being a coward before he decided to claim he was actually the hero that day. Sandusky is a kid-toucher, Paterno is an enabler, and McQuery is just that, a McQuery; like a gay McDonald's sandwich. My God, as this Penn State thing plays out it looks more and more like a Law & Order: SVU episode.
I mean, of all the things to choose to defend yourself, you choose the Michael Jackson defense? Really? How'd that turn out for Michael? "I just love children; I would never hurt a child. I would just take them to my bed, what's more beautiful than sleeping with a child?" That of course is paraphrased, but you get the picture; it's creepy, and it did Michael in. Michael was forever looked at as a freak from that point forward, and even though he never faced jail time, the damage was done. Hey Sandusky, the jury's back and you're a creep. You can try to explain this away by claiming it's a "boys being boys" situation and that boys horse around and some contact may have happened. Yes, between two 10-year olds, fine. Not between a creepy old man and a single 10-year old. Couple that thought with the sentence "I shouldn't have showered with those boys" and you have a visual image that will haunt all of us for years to come. It's more like a "child abuser being a child abuser" and Sandusky would have a better shot with the Twinkie defense (look it up, it's interesting).
This makes me so irate, that I need to stop this right now before I say something that I might regret (if I haven’t already). This piece of trash took advantage of "at-risk" youth and now he's trying to play it off like these kids are making it up? These kids have an up hill battle to begin with, and now this guy is going to make them out to be liars? What a soulless human being.
As for JoePa, dude your legacy is forever tarnished man. How does it feel? How does it feel that you defended this animal and that your legacy is forever linked to this less than human, soulless kid-toucher? Man, I'm sad for Penn State faithful. Those people put all of their faith into the institution that was Joe Paterno. He was pure, moral, ethical and a part of the fabric of that whole region. I'm sad for sports fans too. We have now seen yet another beacon of truth and integrity fall to the dark side of life. I think it just goes to show you that no one is perfect, and perhaps we as fans need to stop putting these figures up on the pedestal where the fall is so steep, because it seems that each time this happens to a legendary sports figure, the drop is that much worse. We've had everything from minor drug possession, to accused murderers and now add to the list defending kid-touchers. Wow, we should build a sports figure gallows where the busts of the guilty will hang. Instead of a Hall of Shame, we will call it the Legends Gallows. Hall of Shame is entirely too nice of a phrase to describe these people. Shame is only the beginning of the feelings Sandusky should feel. Ugh, I’m sick to my stomach.
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