Ok, so here at The Riot! we have not hidden our strong disdain for 95% of what "The Worldwide Leader" does, but I have to be honest, ESPN 2 has stepped up their game a little bit. They've rolled out some entertaining programming like "Numbers Never Lie" and "Dan LeBetard is Highly Questionable" along with "Sports Nation" and such, but what I've witnessed this week on "First Take" so far is laughable and embarrassing. First things first, ESPN has always seemed to want to do things with integrity, and not just for ratings. They come off as the expert in everything, and impartial. That is their role as they have defined it. So what's happening on that abortion of a program called "First Take" on ESPN 2 every morning is downright ridiculous. First off, lets change the name of this show to "Skip Bayless Loves Tebow" or "Skippy and Friends." Why has the only live magazine type sports show on TV everyday abandoned it's successful, and interesting format in favor of a format that features this Tebow/Romo loving, LeBron/Rex Ryan hating, shriveled up troll of a man shouting down every other person whose opinion differs from his? This show has to be ten minutes from being cancelled. It's almost unwatchable at this point. The only saving grace for this show right now is when Stephen A. Smith comes on once a week and verbally makes Skippy his bitch.
The format seemed to switch a few weeks back when the debate portion of the show went from 50% of the program to nearly 96% of the program, and at first I was OK with it. I like sports debate (who doesn't), but this shift seems to have given Skippy control of this program. You don't agree? Look at what's happened on this show this week so far. NFL football fans, Advanced on down to casual, ask yourself this, what were the biggest stories coming out of Sunday's action? In my opinion it was the Saints falling to the Rams and the biggest game of the weekend (maybe the season so far) was the Patriots loss in Pittsburgh. What does Skippy lead with on Monday morning? Tebow and the Cowboys embarrassment against Philly on Sunday night. Now I watched this and as they spent 30 minutes on Tebow, and I actually gave Skippy and friends a pass; maybe the Pats-Steelers and the Saints stuff were covered Sunday night, right? Maybe this is where the needle had gone overnight, and it is the Cowboys and Eagles which should've been a big game, so I let that slide. Then there was this morning. I watched what could only be labeled a miracle occur last night at Arrowhead where the Chiefs snatched victory from the jaws of the defeat and what was the debate about on "Skippy strokes Tebow?" Well, I will admit that I turned the show on at 7:03am, so I may have missed where they covered a dramatic, potentially season turning Monday Night game on their own network in two minutes, but they where already launched headlong into a debate about things that Tebow DIDN'T SAY. Tebow not speaking takes priority over a f**king miracle on the field? I swear there was a point today when I saw Dana Jacobsen grab her head as if to say "what happened to my once reputable show." The only good thing about this show is that Eric Mangini is on it, and not coaching somewhere. As I write this, I am now witnessing the THIRD Tebow segment. The THIRD! I've seen one, four and a half minute segment on the game last night, and three seven to ten minute segments on Tebow. WTF?! Hey Skip, we get it, you like Tebow, ask him out already please and let's move on.
I don't know how the Mouse (Disney that is) is letting this gay love story play out on one of their networks? I know it's buried on ESPN 2, but holy crap I have no other explanation for this obsessive Tebow discussion. Oh, look at that, over an hour into this and we are now going to discuss possibly the biggest game of any season this year; 'bama and LSU. I'm sure, Skippy will find a way to drop a "Tebow" in there somewhere, even if it's under his breathe. Hey "First Take," which is what you call yourself to make yourself feel like you're a respectable show because "Cold Pizza" is even better than "Skippy Loves Tebow," did you guys hear that there was some huge baseball news yesterday? Anyone? LaRussa, a Top 10 All time manager in baseball history, pulled a John Elway and retired while on top of the heap? Anyone? C.C. Sabbathia, one of the best pitchers in the game signed a long term, probably career ending contract with the Yankees? Anyone home? Oh, how about if I said Tim Tebow talked to Tony LaRussa and told him to retire before calling C.C. and getting him to sign with the Yankees? Then that would make it on this hack program.
My God, Tebow isn't even trending anywhere. It's not even a ratings grab. And now, they have something interesting going on; Erin Andrews is in the offices of the LSU coaches interviewing the D Coordinator and because they need to placate Skippy, he needs to ask a question via satellite that falls very flat and derails what was an interesting segment. I'm willing to bet that 99% of men would rather watch Erin Andrews over a shriveled up, screetching Skip Bayless anyday. And now they debated the 'bama-LSU game for literally 90 seconds and then they previewed the next segment. Take a guess who it was about? That's right, Mr. Tebow. Why do I have to get pissed about this? Do people like this show? Rioters! I need to know. Skip Bayless entertaining or obnoxious or both? Tell me on Twitter @thesportsriot, or email us
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