4- Dwight Gooden in Cleveland - Dr. K, as he became known as during his years in Queens, was the New York Mets ace for 11 seasons. When the strike ended and baseball returned in '96, Doc Gooden signed with the New York Yankees. Did it anger me? Yes. Did I view him as traitor? Yes. Was it weird? NO! Any ball player in the Yankee pinstripes looks right. I think that's part of the appeal of playing for the Yanks. You need proof? Ask any Red Sox fan if they would've ever imagined seeing Roger Clemens, Johnny Damon or Wade Boggs in pinstripes. I rest my case on this issue. But after two years in the Bronx, "Doc" took his deteriorating skills to Cleveland where he pitched for another two seasons. This particular entry to the list may be more personal than odd, but seeing Doc Gooden in an Indians jersey was very, very unsettling.

3- Wayne Gretzky in St. Louis - I still get confused when I see the occasional picture of "The Great One" in a Blues jersey. The Kings, and the Rangers made sense but St Louis? What a very odd place for Gretzky to end up? He only played like 20 games in St Louis, but it's still a very odd picture to see. It's SO odd, that seeing pics of Gretzky in an Indianapolis Racers jersey makes more sense.

2- Michael Jordan in Washington - This one was a toss up between Jordan in a baseball uni or in a Washington Wizards jersey. For some reason I get the sense that if they were still the Bullets at the time, it wouldn't have been as weird, but that goofy Wizards logo sealed the deal on how odd this was. Jordan sucked at baseball, there's no denying that, but he looked good. Jordan was an athlete, and could make most sports uniforms look good, but the Wizards? There is no helping that. The fact that Jordan came back after four years away from the game and was a shell of the Legend he was in Chicago may have contributed to the oddness of these pictures, but either way, Jordan in a Wizards jersey should not have happened.
1- Joe Montana in Chiefs Red - I was not a 49ers fans. I am not a football purist nor do I care about the sanctity of the game. I am, however, nostalgic about things from my childhood (note my current obsession with the Winnipeg Jets because of an odd childhood memory that I cherish). So with that said, seeing Joe Montana in a Kansas City Chiefs helmet was devastatingly weird for me to deal with. As a child of the 80's (my formative years, ages 4-14, were during that decade) Joe Montana defined what a QB should be. He was the best of the best, and he donned the Gold and Red of the San Fransisco 49ers. Then one day in 1993, my world was rocked. Joe Montana took the field in the Chiefs cherry red and white uniforms, and HIS NUMBER WAS DIFFERENT! WTF?! 19! Is nothing sacred? Not that I care because as I said before, none of this is real, but what a nightmare right? Montana, wearing number 19 in Arrowhead? What a messed up dream that was. He would probably take them to the playoffs or something.
Honorable Mention (if these actually happened it would be weird)
*Patrick Ewing as a Seattle Supersonic
*Darryl Strawberry as a Dodger
*Mike Piazza as a Florida Marlin
*Reggie Jackson as an Oriole
*Mark Messier as a Canuck
*Bryan Trottier as the Rangers Head Coach
Well, that's the list. Did I miss one? Let me know thesportsriot@yahoo.com or follow us on twitter @TheSportsRiot.
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