They say God works in mysterious ways and that’s exactly what he did during Game Six of the World Series. Texas Rangers outfielder Josh Hamilton told reporters that God told him he would hit a home run on Thursday and when he hit his towering blast in the 10th inning of Game Six, it was “divine intervention.”
"He told me, 'You haven't hit one in a while, and this is the time you're going to. You know what? I probably had the most relaxed, peaceful at-bat I've had of the whole series at that moment. It's pretty cool. You ought to try it sometime."
Is Josh back on the smack? With comments like that he sounds more like Darren Daulton and his claim that aliens told him when the world was going to end as he rounded first base at Wrigley Field than Tim Tebow dropping a John 3:16 and praying. Also, how can I try it sometime? Does God have a bat phone? If so, I have the wrong number because I ask God daily for a million dollars, a supermodel wife, and a nicer house. Instead I wake up in my shithole place in South Philly with the same job, and the same situation every day. Either I have the wrong number or God is telling me no and I’m just not listening. Maybe he has answered; I’m just living in Groundhog Day? No, the dates do change as the weather, maybe God just doesn’t love me how he loves Josh.
Speaking of Josh love what the hell was Ian Kinsler doing to Josh in the dugout after the home run? It looked like he was giving him a face massage? I thought God didn’t condone homo-erotic activity? Has the rules of God changed and I missed it (along with my million, supermodel, and nice house)?
Look, while I’m not the most religious guy in the world, I try to respect it. The thing is there’s a fine line between thanking Jesus and loving God and wearing a sandwich board sign on the exit ramp of a highway that reads “The End is Nigh.” With comments like this, there’s possibly a sandwich board sign in his future (along with unlimited massages from Mr. Kinsler).
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