Friday, July 8, 2011

What's Wrong With People? (Children Beware, it's a rant)

I know this week is supposed to be a celebration of all things "All-Star," but I have something that needs to come off my chest; it's rant time. People are F#$king vultures! Not all people, but 75-f$#king-percent of them are nothing but voyeuristic douche bags who poke there noses where it doesn't belong, because nobody will step up and say something, and people will watch it.  I had an unfortunate event happen to me today that finally brought this bubbling out of me like Mt St. Helen's circa 1980.  For as long as I can remember I've always been disgusted by scumbags who hold up traffic so they can see the carnage of a 12 car pile-up on RT 80 and make a fifteen minute ride into a 45 minute ride. Or some cretins hovering around a crime scene where violence obviously took place and some victims are sitting in an ambulance or a Police car.  Or some loser hanging around if there are firetrucks or EMT's on the scene at a store or a park.  YOU'RE VULTURES! Just hovering around like a flock of scavengers hoping to pick something spectacular off of someone else's tragedy.  It's disgusting.  And you all know it is but you do it anyway. You know who you are if you do it and that's right I said it, YOU'RE F$%KING LOSERS! And you BS yourself by pretending "maybe I can help," when police and EMTs are on the scene already? BS, you're just another viewer in possibly the highest rated show in the history of this twisted society's programming; Human Suffering.  Boy you just can't wait to get your beady f#$king eyeballs on someone else's misery can't you? It would just make your night to go back and tell your scumbag friends about the carnage you witnessed on the highway huh? It would really make your day if in your neighborhood an ambulance showed up and it wasn't for you wouldn't it? It's like your favorite redneck reality show arrived in your hometown for a special edition.  "Wow maw, it's must be Christmas, let's get the lawn chairs and see what's gonna happen." DIE ALREADY!

Here's the real issue here, you scavengers, it's not totally your fault. No, it's not. It's our twisted, sensationalizing, ratings grabbing, brainwashing, and outright disgusting media in our country. Here's where this mentality is born and raised to become the monster it has become. Our media will show you anything if you watch. Over the past 10 years it's gotten worse than I've ever seen.  I've seen everything from brutal car crashes where people have died, to a terrorist executing an American by beheading while shouting "God is Great" in Arabic right on my TV screen.  Now if that isn't f#$ked up, I don't know what is.  And I'm guilty of watching this filth on TV just like you, but here's the difference; once I see it, I recognize that it's enough and I move on.  I never apply it in my life, or use it to hurt others, and I don't watch it again. But here's the problem, they will show it to you AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN! Tell you what I'm talking about. I came home today from the granddaddy of shitty days and turn on my TV.  The local news is on in the Bay Area of San Fran and I don't change it because my f$%king remote is broken again so I watch the news.  Dead person, raped girl, kidnapped children, and Betty Ford died. None of this shit bothers me, it's the world as we know it and that's what the news is right? But here's what did bother me.  I'm sure by now you've heard the tragic story of the accident that took place in Texas on Thursday night; or seen the video as it were.  Anyway, if you haven't, a fan fell tragically to his death while trying to catch a ball tossed up to him from Rangers All-Star outfielder Josh Hamilton. That is sad enough, but here's the bothersome part; the news showed the video of the guy falling.  OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! As they reported the story, which I guess they should, they showed the video several times.  What's the f$%king point? We shouldn't have seen it once, let alone several times in one report.  And then I finally get the remote to work and guess what?  IT'S ON ANOTHER CHANNEL! Are we so depraved that this is what we need to see in our newscast. God I understand a little bit seeing the carnage of a war torn country just so we get what's happening there, but what is the lesson learned by watching some poor guy fall to his death in front of his son.  F%^KING SOULLESS!  That's what it is.

Now I know what you're thinking "you say brutal things about people and rip on people all the time, what gives you the right to criticize us for wanting to be informed, or even see something brutal like that?" Hey, what I say is relegated to people I know, people who are famous, or people who PURPOSELY put themselves on TV. Notice we at The Riot! haven't said word one about Casey Anthony except to say WE DON'T CARE! Check the site, the FB or the Twitter; nothing. Mike Vick, Chris Berman, Mike Schmidt, Brian Sabean and all of the others that have been in our line of fire have put themselves in a position to be criticized and gawked at because they are purposely famous; not the firefighter from Texas trying to get an awesome souvenir for his 6 year old (our condolences).  Sidebar: this doesn't happen often and if I'm wrong Rioters! definitely correct me, but I have not seen this video on ESPN yet; to there credit. I applaud "the worldwide leader" for getting this one right. All of the Bay Area news outlets, I hope you get beat by Bob Ross's Joy of Painting in the next ratings sweeps you vultures.

I feel the need to explain why this finally has come to the surface like this.  I've always felt this way about this type of voyeuristic behavior. Nothing pisses me off more than a 45 minute traffic delay at 11pm because people are hitting there brakes at an accident that is already cleared off to the side but not totally cleared.  But it wasn't until today, when it hit me at home, did I realized how nauseous this behavior makes me. My wife had an unfortunate accident this morning that nearly resulted in her at the very least being severely injured if not killed.  She found herself at a friend's house and an ambulance was called.  When the ambulance arrived and they were prepping my wife to go into the ambulance, it was reported that there were roughly 3 houses of people standing in the street gawking at the events taking place in their neighborhood.  My wife is a very private person and is very upset at the thought of people staring at her on a stretcher going into an ambulance. So one of our friends, who deserves tremendous love for there help today, all of them, went out to try and disperse this crowd but to no avail.  Finally POLICE OFFICERS HAD TO MOVE THESE PEOPLE AWAY FROM THE SCENE! WTF!? Are you kidding me? Let me ask you this, if your neighbor (the people who live next to you) comes to you and asks you to go, wouldn't you? Especially if you find out it has nothing to do with you and the victim is asking for privacy? Common human decency maybe? I was stunned to hear this. And you people in that neighborhood, I don't know if you read this site and judging by your grotesque behavior I don't want you to you f$%king slime (you know who you are), just remember it always comes back to you.  Someone is watching. Either it's God, a tree, Buddha or The Riot!; they're watching and taking notes.  As far as the media goes, they will burn too. That shit has to come to end eventually right? Anyway, I'm going to bed, send your opinions to me at or follow us on Twitter @thesportsriot. Thanks for listening.

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